那就是 FancyCache
這次改名為 PrimoCache
跟該公司 Romex Software 的產品命名一致
如果你曾經使用過 FancyCache 就會發現主介面有些微改變
該公司將原本 FancyCache 的分區版本及硬碟版本整合在一起
例如:可以讓C:與D:共用 128MB 或者C:獨佔128MB等等....但是最厲害的是...現在可以跨硬碟共用記憶體(詳情稍後介紹)
會詢問要使用的快取選項(這部分跟 FancyCache 的內容大致相同,新版有做刪減)
Read-data: 從磁碟讀取數據。Data read from disk.
Write-data: 要寫入磁碟的數據。Data to be written to disk.
Overhead: 快取執行時額外消耗的記憶體或儲存容量(快取的記憶體開銷)。Additional memory or storage cost of running cache.
Level-1 Cache: 使用物理記憶體為第一優先快取。Uses physical memory as the primary cache.
Cache Size: 做為一級快取的物理記憶體大小(相較於以往最低限制128MB,此版本最低可以設定到64MB,最高可以設定到1572864MB=1536GB...;就算設定的數值較小,對於反應較差的硬碟依舊有幫助).Amount of physical memory to be used as level-1 cache.
Block Size: 快取的配置單元大小(粒度or最小區塊)。較小的值"通常能"(官網更新內容)帶來更高的效能。但是會增加快取的記憶體開銷。(舉例來說,假設是設定為4K,一個2K的數據會占用一個4K的粒度,一個5K的數據則會佔用兩個粒度,如果讀取(或寫)一個1024K必須讀取(或寫入)256次;若設定為512KB,一個2K的數據就占用了一個512K的粒度,如果讀取(或寫)一個1024K只要讀取(或寫入)256次。相較之下,粒度越小,可以比較有效率的使用記憶體快取容量,等同配額記憶體最大化,但是在讀/寫時會產生較高的CPU的使用率。反之亦然。)Granularity of cache. Smaller value brings higher performance. However, it will increase the cache memory overhead.
Algorithm: 決定當快取用盡時要如何丟棄區塊(用以騰出空間給新數據,可以稱為演算法)。LRU (Least Recently Used)代表最近最少被使用的快取內容會優先被丟棄。LFU-R (Least Frequently Used)代表使用頻率最低的快取內容會優先被丟棄。一般來說,LRU能比LFU-R使用更少CPU資源。經常使用不同軟體推薦使用LRU,經常使用固定軟體推薦使用LFU-R。Determines which blocks to discard to make room for new data when cache is full.LRU (Least Recently Used): Discards the least recently used data first.LFU-R (Least Frequently Used): Counts how often a data block is needed. Data blocks that are used least often will be discarded first.
Cache Strategy: 選擇快取什麼樣的數據。選擇適當的快取策略將提高快取命中率。讀/寫:快取讀取及寫入數據。只讀:快取讀取數據。只寫;快取寫入數據。Chooses what kind of data is to be cached. An appropriate cache strategy will improve the cache hit rate.Read/Write: Caches both read data and write data.Read-Only: Caches read data only.Write-Only: Caches write data only.
Defer-Write: 如果勾選延遲寫入,原本應該寫入的數據時並不會立即寫入磁碟。而是優先移至快取中,然後經過一定時間的延遲再寫入到磁碟上。延遲寫入會非常明顯的提高讀寫性能。然而,在停電或系統故障時將可能導致數據丟失或損壞。建議用戶只將這項設定用於暫時的、不重要的或重複性的數據分區上。If ticked, incoming write-data will not be immediately written to disk. Write-data is first stored in cache and then written to disk after certain delays. Defer-Write will greatly improve write performance. However, a power outage or system failure might result in data loss or corruption. It is recommended that users only enable Defer-Write on volumes where temporary, unimportant or reproducible data is to be stored.
Level-2 Cache: 採用SSD、Flash或其他設備作為二級快取來加速傳統硬碟。即使電腦重新啟動,二級快取內容也不會消失。用戶絕不可以自行修改被二級快取的內容。Level-2儲存分區:提供快取和儲存快取數據的已格式化分區。點選"建立/管理二級快取"按鈕來新增一個二級快取。註:只有在基本MBR磁碟的分區支援二級快取。Uses SSD, flash drive, or other faster device as a secondary cache which will speed up traditional slow hard disks. Cache contents stored in level-2 storage are persistent across computer restarts. Users must not "offline" modify the contents of a volume which is being cached by level-2 cache.Level-2 Storage: A volume formatted to provide cache and store cached data. To create a level-2 storage, click "Create/Manage Level-2 Storages" button. Note: only partitions on Basic MBR disks are supported to be level-2 storages.
Total Read: 讀取操作完成的總量。統計包含底層磁碟和快取已讀取完成的數量。Total size in bytes of read operations issued to the volume. It counts the reads done on the underlying disk and the cache.
Cached Read: 在快取上讀取操作完成的總量。屬於Total Read下的子集(也就是說Total Read已經包含了Cache Read)。Total size in bytes of read operations done on the cache. This is a subset of Total Read statistic.
L2Storage Read: 二級快取的讀取總量。Total size in bytes of reads from the level-2 storage.
L2Storage Write:二級快取的寫入總量。Total size in bytes of writes to the level-2 storage.
Total Write: 寫入操作完成的總量。如果未啟用延遲寫入,指的就是寫入到底層磁碟的總量。否則,就是指寫入到快取的總量。Total size in bytes of write operations issued to the volume. If Defer-Write is not enabled, it refers to the total bytes written to the underlying disk. Otherwise it refers to the total bytes written to the cache.
Urgent Write: 快取寫入磁碟為可用快取空間不足的數據總量。當快取空間快滿了,PrimoCache會將一定量的延遲寫入數據立刻寫入(或稱緊急寫入)到磁盤,為新進入的數據提供足夠的快取空間。Total size in bytes of data written to the disk from the cache by reason of insufficient free cache space. When cache space is almost full, PrimoCache has to urgently write certain amount of deferred data stored in the cache to the disk, thus provides enough cache space for new incoming data.
Normal Write: 快取寫入磁碟為定時寫入或手動寫入動作的數據總量。Total size in bytes of data written to the disk from the cache by reason of timer flush or manual flush operations.
Deferred Blocks: 目前延遲寫入磁碟的快取區塊數。Number of cache blocks which currently stores write-data to be written to the disk.
Trimmed Blocks: 被TRIM(修剪)指令釋放掉的延遲寫入磁碟的快取區塊數。這些快取區塊中的寫入數據將不會被寫入到磁碟上,因為這樣的數據是無用的。Total number of cache blocks which stored write-data but were released by TRIM command. Write-data in these cache blocks won't be written to the disk because such data is no use.
Free Cache (L1/L2): 目前可用的快取空間大小。若降低到一定值時,將根據 Algorithm(剛剛介紹完)來丟棄或移動快取區塊。Size in bytes of currently free cache space for new data. When this reduces to a certain value, PrimoCache will discard or move around some cache blocks according to the cache algorithm.
Cache Hit Rate: 在快取中讀取數據,而無需從磁碟讀取的百分比。計算公式:Cache Hit Rate=Cached Read/Total Read * 100%。Percentage of read-data found in the cache without having to read from the disk. It is calculated from the formula: Cache Hit Rate = Cached Read/Total Read * 100%.