



不過看到 SUPERCACHE 會不會覺得是冷飯熱炒?





New SuperCache 5 for Desktop Systems

-新 SuperCache 5  
SuperCache breaks the disk I/O bottleneck by using the computer's RAM to hold or contain the most frequently used disk data.
-SuperCache打破了硬碟I / O瓶頸通過使用計算機的RAM持有或包含最頻繁使用的硬碟資料。
This 'container' is referred to as a cache.
With SuperCache, as a program sends and receives disk data, the most frequently used data is read from and written to RAM – not the hard drive – thus accelerating the program's performance.
-SuperCache 藉此發送和接收硬碟上的資料,並將最頻繁使用的資料讀取和寫入記憶體,不經過硬碟,提高了性能。
SuperCache implements our patented block-level cache technology to increase performance above that of the operating system's file-level cache.
-SuperCache實現我們專利的 block-level 高速快取技術來提高比作業系統快取更高的性能。 
SuperCache is an excellent choice for these scenarios:
1.The data files are larger than available physical memory .
-1.資料檔案大於可用的實體記憶體 。 
2.The data files are located on a disk partition or disk volume that is too large to fit into available physical memory , and cannot be moved to one where they will fit.
-2.資料檔案位於硬碟上的分區或硬碟磁碟機太大而無法適合可用實體記憶體 ,而不能移動到一個他們將適合地方。 (這要怎麼翻阿....)
3.Minimum risk of lost data.
Unlike our RamDisk products not all the data will be available in RAM all the time.
Some will come from the hard drive.
Nonetheless, depending upon the size of the cache and the nature of the disk I/O demands, performance accelerations can be significant and often dramatic.
-不過,這取決於高速快取的大小和性質的硬碟 I / O需求,加速性能可能會相當顯著,往往富有戲劇性。 
Deferred-write mode
By enabling its lazy-write mechanism, SuperCache can also accelerate writing data to disk.
This mechanism delays writes to the hard drive.
This can 'smooth out' I/O activity on the hard drive.
-這可以“流暢”I / O活動在硬碟。
It is important to note that enabling lazy-write increases the risk of data loss in the event of a system crash or power failure.
SuperSpeed Software recommends that enabling the lazy-write feature ONLY on systems equipped with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
SuperCache can be used to cache an entire system drive (eg drive C:) including the system pagefile.
SuperCache is the appropriate choice when a particular program (eg database, game, etc.) needs to access very large amounts data.
Support for NUMA
Starting with Windows XP x64 through Wndows 7 x64 provides special support for machines with a non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA).
-從 Windows XP x64到 Wndows 7 x64 提供特殊支援 非統一記憶體架構(NUMA)。
When active on such platforms, the memory manager for SuperCache 5 examines the processor and memory affinities reported by Windows and the ACPI SRAT, and then optimizes physical memory allocations across the described NUMA nodes.
-當活動等平台上,SuperCache 5的記憶體管理器檢查處理器和記憶體的狀況並回報給Windows和ACPI SRAT,優化實體記憶體分配在NUMA節點。
The NUMA support in SuperCache 5 greatly improves the speed of memory allocations and equalizes the distribution of cache allocations among the NUMA nodes.
NUMA讓SuperCache 5在NUMA節點之中大大提高了已分配(切割來給磁碟機用的記憶體)的記憶體速度和均衡。
Currently, NUMA support does not include the ability to build caches on specific nodes.
New Interface
SuperCache 5 now has a more user friendly and informative interface.
-SuperCache 5現在有更多的人性化介面,內容豐富。
Overview of available storage drives in system
Caching graph showing 4 performance items
-顯示 4 項高速快取性能圖表
Configure SuperCache by right clicking a volume
Automatic configuration of boot drive (usually C:) during installation.







SuperCache 5 也不過是比SuperCache 4 多了幾個量化圖表...但是也不無小補啦


過去 SuperCache 3 為Xp引爆強勁的效能提升感受

改版後的 SuperCache 4 雖然順應發展新支援了Vista以上的作業系統卻沒帶來相應的效能


這次 SuperCache 5 實際使用狀況會不會像 SuperCache 4 一樣幾乎沒感覺還是終於找到突破呢?....這就等待日後的測試啦


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